Ancillary Justice (2013)

By Ann Leckie

432pp, Fiction




Notes after reading both this book and Ancillary Sword

Having finally got around to writing something down about these two Chrome crashed and I lost it.

So, short Version:

  • Imperial Rome in space – I like stuff about Rome and I like space.
  • The use of she/her for everyone in the book (male or female the Radsch culture doesn’t have that distinction) works very well indeed, a clear improvement on Le Guin’s flawed decision to stick with male pronouns in Left Hand….
  • The gender, colonialism, identity stuff is on the table and interesting enough but never gets in the way of space battles and assasination and so on.
  • Seems like there’s still an awful lot of ground to cover in the final part which I’ll be buying in a couple of weeks when it comes out.

All text and photographs are © Tom Pearson 2009-2025 unless otherwise noted.

🚧 Permananetly under construction, please excuse the debris, dead ends, poor spelling/ grammar, and half-baked opinions. 🚧